Tony Robbins’ Ultimate Guide to Your Best Year Ever


The 5-Step Plan to an Extraordinary Year

Transforming into the person you want to be in 2019 is not difficult so long as you have the dedication, focus and correct tools at your disposal. But you should always remember to set your sights on something within reason.

Most people overestimate what they’re going to do in a year, and they underestimate what they can do in a decade, or two or three or four.

Follow this roadmap to begin crafting the best year of your life.

1. Feed your mind.

Feeding your mind is all about perspective. You’ve got to bring something new to it otherwise, you’re going to keep operating off the same old beliefs, the same old thoughts, the same old emotions that have not gotten you to the level you want. Don’t just hope things will go the way you want. Condition yourself to believe that they will.

Feeding your mind is all about perspective. You’ve got to bring something new to it.

2. Strengthen your body.

Strengthening one’s mind is crucial. But equally important is strengthening one’s body.   

Go on a sprint. Go lift some really heavy weights. Go on a really long walk. Priming your physical self can set the stage for the change you want to see mentally or emotionally. You’re going to get depressed if you drop your shoulders, drop your head, speak slowly and think about what you’re afraid of. But if you go for a really intense run, music blaring and heart pumping, your body and mind will both be energized and clear, and you’ll be able to better focus on what you want.

3. Find a great role model.

If you want the best year of your life, you need to decide to find a great role model who is already getting the results you want. You don’t want to just try to do it yourself.

4. Take massive action.

This step is simple: Make a huge step forward. Build your company’s website. Reach out to a prospective investor. Talk with your spouse about couples counseling. Plan that grand vacation for your family you think will bring everyone together.

But you must remember to be flexible and alter your course if necessary. To really demonstrate the importance of this point, Robbins often shares the same metaphor. Let’s say your goal was to see a sunset, and you began by running east.

“I don’t care how positive you are, I don’t care how enthusiastic you are, it’s not gonna happen—you have the wrong strategy,”

5. Get outside of yourself.

Instead of focusing 100 percent on your goals and what you want to achieve, you must also find a way to add value to others. As corny as it sounds, the spirit of living is giving, and it’s what makes us alive. This will have two primary impacts:

No. 1, your problems will lessen in intensity.

No. 2, your life will have more meaning.

Life is not about me; life’s about we. So it’s not just growing, it’s growing and contributing beyond yourself that makes your life meaningful.

Embrace Uncertainty

One of the most important things you can do to make 2019 your best year yet is become comfortable with uncertainty. The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with. Because if you want to be certain about everything every moment, then you can’t do something new, you can’t grow.

Our brains were designed to assess and combat risk, and fight or flight when necessary. But we are more than our minds. We’re our heart, we’re our soul, we’re our spirit.

And if everything in life were certain, life wouldn’t be worth living. We all want certainty so bad. But if you’re totally certain every moment, what’s going to happen? You’d be bored. So we need uncertainty. We need a lot of it.