Mindfulness - Corporate Culture and Personal Values


After spending 18 years and 17 days working in someone else's business I became "Financially Independent" as of December 14, 2017.

That was the best Christmas gift of my life :-)

Ok so NOT "Financially Free", but "Independent", my personal Real Estate Portfolio was now scaled to the point that the revenue paid my bills and I no longer needed to rely on the "day job", hourly income.

I'm incredibly grateful for what I learned in the 18+ years as I was fortunate to be able to progress form Construction Superintendent, to Construction Manager, then to After Sales where I participated in growing Sales from $100,000 to $6 Million per year.

During that last period of 5 years in After Sales I learned many pivotal lessons about Business Development and it's key role in the Corporate Culture that develops as the business grows and you add people.

This lesson is the most relavent to my current situation as I'm now on the cusp of a growth burst that will require recruiting talent and setting the tone for the Corporate Culture I want to create.

Lesson 1) VALUES

Regardless of if its a corporate culture, personal relationship / friendship or marriage, if your values don't align, the relationship will be miserable.

The culture of a business team mirrors the values of it's people of "authority", I'm not just talking about corporate leaders here, the CEO, COO, CFO or Division Managers, although the same can be true for them.

People like office assistants, receptionists, executive assistants all have an incredible amount of  authority in a business and it's these people and above, that set the Culture.

One bad hire or promotion can send waves of tyranny and abuse through the lower ranks that will disable the spirit and potential of the lower ranked talent tasked as the "engine" of the business.

So as Steve Seibold says in his book 177 Mental Toughness Secrets;

"Hire for Consciousness, and Train for Skills".

The banner picture of this article is a poster I created for my business, and when the time comes to hire, I have my 'Values" criteria set for the interviews. 

Enjoy, Rick G.