Jinjoo, 11 Years Young :-)


So this August 18 Jinjoo turned 11.

Surprisingly he's still full of energy like a puppy, and people still ask if he's a puppy when they meet him.

It's common for dogs to start showing age at about 10, but this little guy just keeps on like a puppy, even our veterinarian said he's still puppy like.

So what gives? How is it that he's still so youthful?

One thing we've always suspected is that his food wasn't 100% compatible with his body chemistry so about 6 months ago we began transitioning him to a new food.

We chose Pets 1st because its made locally by a family that Have been making Dog and Pet food for 25 years.

So how did we find Pets 1st?

Makai was walking Jinjoo a few years ago and met a lady with a couple of dogs that seemed really healthy, that lady mentioned the dogs where over 10 years old and Makai was surprised at how spry and youthful they seemed so she asked "what do you feed them?".

It's taken some time for Jinjoo to adjust to the new food as it's much richer in protein and fats than the previous food.

And not so surprisingly his energy level increased with the new food and he seems to enjoy it more than his old food.

So if your getting a dog or your older dog has low energy or any other issues that you suspect may be food related we certainly recommend Pets 1st food.

Enjoy, Rick G :-)