

Oct 2019 Abbotsford Attached
Oct 2019 Abbotsford Detached
Oct 2019 Burnaby Attached
Oct 2019 Burnaby Detached
Oct 2019 Chilliwack Attached
Oct 2019 Commercial
Oct 2019 Coquitlam Detached
Oct 2019 Coquitlam Attached
Oct 2019 Hope Attached
Oct 2019 Land
Oct 2019 Langley Attached
Oct 2019 Langley Detached
Oct 2019 Maple Ridge Attached
Oct 2019 Maple Ridge Detached
Oct 2019 Multifamily
Oct 2019 New Westminster Attached
Oct 2019 New Westminster Detached
Oct 2019 North Vancouver Attached
Oct 2019 North Vancouver Detached
Oct 2019 Okanagan
Oct 2019 Port Coquitlam Attached
Oct 2019 Port Coquitlam Detached
Oct 2019 Richmond Attached
Oct 2019 Richmond Detached
Oct 2019 Shuswap
Oct 2019 Surrey Attached
Oct 2019 Surrey Detached
Oct 2019 Vancouver Attached
Oct 2019 Vancouver Detached
Oct 2019 West Vancouver Attached
Oct 2019 West Vancouver Detached

Here's October's list of foreclosures in the Lower Mainland and beyond.

There are some great deals for either your own home or as a rental property. 

Click the links to view them.

And let me know if you have any questions or need a referral to Mortgage or Legal specialist who can guide you safely through the process.

Click these links to read up on the Purchase Process for foreclosures.

Macnabs - Step by Step-How to Buy a Foreclosure

REW - Risks and Rewards of Buying Foreclosures

Happy House Hunting, Rick G :-)