I Created a "Goal Planning for Success", Presentation by special request from the Victoria Real Estate Investors Meetup Group.


Goal PLanning for Success

So I got a call 1st week of January from the organizers of the Victoria Real Estate Investors Meetup asking if I would do a presentation on "Goal Setting".

I said YES immediately, why?

Because mastering Goal Setting, Public Speaking and Presentations are goals of mine. 

And since it was January, the time of year everyone gets excited about Setting their Goals for the year it certainly seemed fitting.

The big challenge was that I didn't have a presentation on Goal Setting already, and I only had 3 weeks to pull together a pretty complex topic and hopefully practice.

Well I have to say this was an amazing exercise, I learned a ton about all the levels of Goal Planning I had employed and optimized over the past 10 years.

One person said, "I've seen a lot of goal setting techniques but you've taken 4 systems, optimized them to a ridiculous level and created a "4 step, no fail system", "unbelievable!" 

After I sent out the follow up slide deck and goal setting worksheets package to the attendees I got this kind of feedback;

"Hi Rick, Thank you so much for your email!

Your presentation was amazing, and I really appreciate you sending all this information straight to my mailbox. I already bought the Kindle book, but having audio recordings will be so much more helpful.

Warm regards, Valerie"

Click the Link above or HERE to watch the Video of my presentation.

Enjoy, and Happy Goal Setting :-) Rick G.