Jinjoo Wants BBQ !!!


Yeah he's so cute who can resist.

But we learned our lesson when it comes to feeding Jinjoo people food.

It makes him sick if we give him people food, especially if its spiced in any way.

For years we fed him a "Premium" brand of dog food and he always had orange/rust colored tear stains on his eyes and paws, bad breath (Makai called it Seal breath), cavities (he had some teeth pulled) and we didn't know why?

Until we met a lady who mentioned she gets her dog food from "Pets 1st", a Local pet food manufacturer based in Surrey that makes low yeast and low carb dog food, we feed him the Grain Free Turkey.

It took some time for him to get used to the new food but we're 2 years into it now and his tear stains are gone, and no more bad breath or cavities and best of all, Pets 1st delivers to our home free of charge :-)   

So glad we found Pets 1st, give it a try, I'm sure your dog will enjoy it just as much as Jinjoo.

Enjoy Rick G.