Mindfulness: The "Time Management" Illusion,,,


Yeah that's right, I wrote "Illusion", because the one thing we can't change is how much time passes each day.

Living in the "Now" and appreciating and adding value to our lives and the lives of everyone we interact with every moment in time is your most valuable asset and is truly the most fulfilling part of our journey through life.

As my wife Makai taught me years ago, "Make it your purpose to make the light of others shine Brighter", wise words I live by every day.

And as I always say, the most tragic thing a person can do is to 'Wish Time Away".

We often hear the term, "I'm just Killing Time", when I hear people say this I cringe and promptly redirect the conversation to how tragic that sounds, "to Kill Time is to kill your own existence".

So make The Best of Every Moment by creating a clear and purposeful vision for your life, and pursuing it every moment as a "Healthy Obsession".

Here's a video recording of a presentation I do called "Game Changer, Reprogramming for Success",  this idea is a big part of what I have achieved through the Subconscious Reprogramming process.

Enjoy, and feel free to contact me if you want to know more about this "Life Changing" process.

Rick G.