Reinventing Exercise During COVID,,,


Makai and I have always exercised both outdoors and in the gym, but since March when the COVID lock down started we've been reinventing how to keep in shape and create new exercise and fitness habits.

Here are some things that are working for us, fun, and easy to do.

1) Take Tennis Lessons

2) Ride Bikes

2) Ride the Bikes to the Tennis Court instead of Driving

3) Exercise at the Park on the Monkey/Exercise Bars

4) Take up Roller Skating or Roller Blading

5) Create a Home Gym with some free weights and a Pergola pull up bar (you'll have to message me about that one)

6) Back yard or local park Croquette or Bocce

7) Trail running and hiking at your local park

There are lots of ways to get excise so i'm hoping this inspires you to get out and enjoy some heart healthy activities.

Happy trails, Rick, Makai and Jinjoo G.