Mindfulness, are Reading and Learning the same thing?


I've been studying how to "Reprogram my Subconscious Mind" to support the Scaling of Virtuoso Capital Ventures (VCV) for about 12 years now and I've discovered some interesting things about how success is created.

I'm going to focus this discussion on how simply Reading, does not equate to Learning, and how to train your subconscious mind to Learn what it needs to Learn to support the realization of your goals and successes, ideally in the form of "The Ultimate Vision of Your Life". 

Over the years I've spoken on this topic at many events and to many people who have read what I consider the 4 most important books I've ever read that support the Ultimate Vison of my Life and the Scaling of VCV.

1.) Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T Harv Eker

2.) The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles

3.) 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, by Steve Siebold

4.) The 80 / 20 Principle, by Richard Koch

Since discovering how Reprograming the Subconscious Mind supports the actualization of a written Vision and Goals through the "Master Mind Process" I've created a training Course around this process that I call, "Game Changer, Goal Planning for Success".

And I've now integrated this course into the DNA of Virtuoso Capital Ventures, I call it the "VCV Culture Training Program".

The training format is "Master Mind Groups" of 4 or less, made up of all the VCV Team Members.

Everyone who I bring into VCV as a Team Member starts this program from Day 1.

Team Members are tasked with "Creating a Vison of Their Life", both in writing and in the form of 'Vison Boards", and sharing their Vision with the other team members during each Master Mind Meeting, as well as participating in Book Studies of the 4 books listed above.

This "Deep" introspective, subconscious level of learning is incredibly challenging which is why it's best done in a Master Mind, facilitated by a Coach who's mastered these "Facilitated Introspect" techniques.

Enough said for this Newsletter, more to come on this topic next Newsletter.

Until then, if you're interested in this Culture Training Program I've created feel free to click Comment here and send me a message.

Enjoy, Rick G :-)