VIRTUOSO Team Building, Grouse Mountain Gondola


Over the holiday break Makai and I hosted Virtuoso Project Manager in training Edmond Veliu and his wife Zana Veliu who where visiting from Windsor Ontario.

This was Edmond and Zana's first trip to the West and they where over the top excited about the beauty of the lower mainland with lots of talk of moving to BC to join the Land Development Team in the West .

We see a great future for Edmond within the Virtuoso Team as the number of active projects grows so will Edmond and his role as a Leader within Virtuoso Capital Ventures.

This picture is the 4 of us at the Peak of the Grouse Mountain Gondola, Edmond and Zana plan to come back next winter not just to take in the view, but to Ski or Snowboard the slopes with Makai and I.

Looking forward to it, see you soon Edmond and Zana :-)

Rick Genovese.