How To Have A Guilt-Free and Balanced Vacation


If it's hard for you to relax, if vacations are too stressful, or if you feel guilty when you take time off, here are six steps that you can take for an enjoyable, guilt-free vacation.

1) Set boundaries by limiting communication with the office to prevent stress from piling up.
2) Manage your devices by using custom ring tones and reducing instant messaging to avoid feeling constantly on-call.
3) Buffer work exits and re-entries with extra days before and after your vacation to ease transitions.
4) Balance activities by alternating between physical activity and rest to boost endorphins and reduce stress hormones.
5) Plan ahead by designating a trusted colleague to handle tasks and notifying coworkers of your absence.
6) Work at not working by questioning why you deny yourself breaks and recognizing the importance of self-care.