Our Reno Update
In spite of my incredible love for all things interior design, I have come to realize over the years that although I have a deep appreciation for living and working in a beautiful space, somewhere between the Pinterest pic and my family room, the design gets a tad lost in translation.
Enter Karin of Karin Bennett Designs! Aside from being an absolutely beautiful person inside and out, Karin is an incredibly talented local Interior Designer and Enterpreneur. You may have even seen her work, as it was recently featured on 2 episodes of HGTV's The Property Brother's! Having never taken on any sort of renovation project before, James and I sat down at the get go and decided that hiring an Interior Designer to assist with some of the decision making was probably best for our pocket book and our marriage ;) Needless to say, Karin did a spectacular job! In a few short hours she helped us with the picking of paint colours, flooring, furniture placement and
Hopefully I'll have "after" pics to share in time for my June Newsletter! Until then, don't forget to follow Karin on Twitter (@Karinbdesigns), on Instagram (KarinBennettDesigns) or check out her website (http://www.karinbennettdesigns.com) for contact details.
Thanks again Karin!