Rick Genovese Investor Newsletter - January 2022 - Issue 25

Rick Genovese - Real Estate Capital Investment Specialist

Virtuoso Capital Ventures

604 603 0929

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Jinjoo Can't Wait For Spring


The picture says it all, Jinjoo's over the whole Winter thing and wearing Sweaters.

Not sure why but he always looks like he's humiliated somehow when we put the Sweater on him?

Maybe he thinks the other dogs will laugh at him because he's wearing a sweater?

We'll never know but somehow it's really cute when he makes these faces.

Jinjoo's really glad the cold snap's over, no more sweaters Yeah!!! 

Realer Estate Deals


Jan 2022 BC North Attached
Jan 2022 BC North Detached
Jan 2022 Burnaby Attached
Jan 2022 Chilliwack Detached
Jan 2022 Langley Attached
Jan 2022 Mission Detached
Jan 2022 Okanagan
Jan 2022 Pitt Ridge Attached
Jan 2022 Pitt Ridge Detached
Jan 2022 Port Moody Attached
Jan 2022 Richmond Attached
Jan 2022 Richmond Detached
Jan 2022 Shuswap
Jan 2022 Surrey Attached
Jan 2022 Surrey Detached
Jan 2022 Vancouver East Attached
Jan 2022 Vancouver West Attached
Jan 2022 Vancouver West Detached
Jan 2022 West Vancouver Attached
Jan 2022 West Vancouver Detached

VIRTUOSO Team Building, Grouse Mountain Gondola


Over the holiday break Makai and I hosted Virtuoso Project Manager in training Edmond Veliu and his wife Zana Veliu who where visiting from Windsor Ontario.

This was Edmond and Zana's first trip to the West and they where over the top excited about the beauty of the lower mainland with lots of talk of moving to BC to join the Land Development Team in the West .

We see a great future for Edmond within the Virtuoso Team as the number of active projects grows so will Edmond and his role as a Leader within Virtuoso Capital Ventures.

This picture is the 4 of us at the Peak of the Grouse Mountain Gondola, Edmond and Zana plan to come back next winter not just to take in the view, but to Ski or Snowboard the slopes with Makai and I.

Looking forward to it, see you soon Edmond and Zana :-)

Rick Genovese.  

Mindfulness - A 2 Year Master Mind Book Study


I'm sure you've all had this experience where you run into people who have read the same books as you.

And I have Identified 5 books that have an immense amount of "potential" life changing knowledge within their pages.

Here I'm focusing on the 1 of the 5 books, "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class". 

I used the word "potential" very deliberately here as my point is that there's a massive difference between "Reading and Learning", and "Information and Knowledge".

I'll elaborate;

When a person simply Reads a book they tend to not be changed much by the "information" within the book's pages, in other words the lessons in the book are not Learned, and thus don't become "Knowledge", or change the behavior of a "Reader".

When a person "Studies" a book, and especially along with others (accountability buddies) as in a Book Study or Master Mind the book has the potential to become "Knowledge" and change a person's behavior by reprogramming the subconscious mind.

The best books for Learning are books that have exercises and homework that can be shared within an accountability group.

So the question I asked myself is this; "How do I convert this book's Information, into Knowledge", and "Why are books studied in an accountability group "Learned", and "Why do they become Knowledge"?

Now that I have experienced the process by which the information within the pages of these amazing books becomes knowledge and creates new behaviors, and subconscious DNA I'm sharing the formula here. 

I'll use the example of the book I've been studying for the past 15 years, "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class" by Steve Siebold.

I've studies this book obsessively for 15 years, it's now encoded in my Mental DNA, whenever someone expresses some sort of non supportive language or behavior one the the Mental Toughness Secrets automatically pops into my mind.

I think the reason this book has been encoded in my Mental DNA is not just how many times I've read or studied it, but also the diversity of "Ways" I've studied it.

Here's the list:

- I've been listening to the Audio Book for 15 years.

- I've Read the Book 4 times.

- I've Master Mind Studied the Book with multiple groups repeatedly. 

- I've done the Exercises and Homework and applied the lessons in the book and realized significant relationship and wealth gains as a result.    

So Read, Study, Practice, Enjoy, Repeat, Repeat, and the Benefits of the Knowledge in this book will then have the potential to be life changing :-)

Rick Genovese

Investor Update: VILLA VIRTUOSO and "New" VIRTUOSO VOLARE Offerings.


Stay Tuned for our Next Offering VIRTUOSO VOLARE Coming Summer / Fall 2022!

Our "Villa Virtuoso" Investment Offering for our brand new construction Apartment Building is now 100% funded!

Our Next Offering VIRTUOSO VOLARE Residences is coming in the Summer / Fall of 2022 will also be fully "RRSP and TFSA Eligible"!

If you want to secure a non binding placeholder for this upcoming Investment offering email me or click the comment button below to send me a message.

This next offering will come in the form of fully BCSC compliant Subscription Agreement.

We have completed our Geotechnical Bore Hole Survey and Environmental Phase 1 Survey and all's good so far :-)

This new project is comprised of 5 residential lots totaling 41,251 square feet of land and we're informally approved to build 6 stories of apartments and 111 units.

We're currently working on design details with our Architect in preparation for Rezoning Application Submission in a couple of months.

Upcoming Events

For world class FREE Real Estate investing education Click here to Join me at the next SYNERGY REN Monthly Meetup: Wednesday, February 23, 2022.
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM PDT. The last Wednesday of each month.

Other News to Investors;


Villa Virtuoso - a 32 Unit New Build Strata Apartment Building

Construction is Progressing!

With the holiday season and unprecedented cold and wet weather behind us we are now back to full construction progress!

Despite these challenges our contractors continued to progress and passed some significant milestones over the past month.

We are excited to share that our basement concrete work is now complete, and the site is backfilled.

The ground level parking slab on glade is nearly complete and the formwork for the level two suspended concrete slab is well under way.

Framing is now scheduled to begin mid-February, so keep an eye out for February’s month-end update!

Our Next Offering;


Again if you want to secure a non binding placeholder for our this upcoming 111 Unit Apartment Building Investment offering email me or click the comment button below to send me a message.

Forever Home

We are in the process of acquiring a share stake in a new project in Detroit MI called Forever Home.

Forever Home is a Physical Rehabilitation and Short Term Living Medical Practice that's under AIA Contract now with a General Contractor to complete renovations and should be up and running within 12 months or less.

This is a very exciting project for us as once complete and cash flowing it will provide us a model to replicate in the US within and outside Michigan and will provide investors opportunities to invest in US assets.


Despite COVID-19 Lockdowns our Multi Family / Apartment Buildings continue to capture 99% of rents and hold their value even as Commercial Store Front and Office Real Estate Asset Classes are exposes to substantial devaluations with Industrial bucking that trend and seeing substantial value gains.

Values are holding due to the relaxation of COVID restrictions for employers and the continuing Federal and Provincial Governments CERB, CRAP and other financial Relief initiatives. Through these programs and employers bringing employees back to work tenants are being provided income and or enough relief funds to pay rent, so glad I "Only Invest in Apartment Buildings".

Virtuoso Executive Office Suites - Purchased August 2020 for $450,000. We've currently invested $35,000 to Reno/Convert this under performing property into a 10 Unit "Professional Building" leasing to Lawyers, Notaries, Paralegals, Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Brokers etc. which will increase the value of this property to $1.9 Million and to offer "Virtual Office Reception" as an Add On the the Physical Office Spaces which will increase the Property's Values well beyond the $1.9 Million target. 

After a long drawn out ordeal getting our building permit approved our contractor is back in the building completing renovations and we should be "Lease Ready" by end of February 2022.

Deauville Apartments - Purchased in 2015 for $1.777 Million, current value is in excess of $3.2 Million. 

Walkerville Court Apartments -  Purchased in 2012 for $1.977 Million, current value is in excess of $3.45 Million. 

Helen Terrace Townhomes - Purchased in 2011 for $50,000 per unit, these 3 story, 3 bedroom Townhomes are currently values at $130,000 per unit.

Aaron Apartments - Purchased in 2011 for $245,000, current value is in excess of $600,000. 

Contact me and I'll get you on track to profit like the investors in these projects.

Enjoy, Rick G. :-)

Retained Earnings Tax Bomb


If you are a savvy business owner, you most likely have a Holdco setup that owns part of your Opco and all profits are being pushed up from the Opco to the Holdco on a tax-free basis.  

As the Holdco accumulates large sums of money over the years the profits can be used to buy your investments and real estate on the corporate side. 

Inevitably CRA will come knocking, which in this structure happens when you die. 

For example if you accumulated $2,000,000 of retained earnings through active business income, your tax bill on death, if you pay it out as a dividend to your estate, will be: 


That's 46.7% in tax.  It's massive.  

Most business owners don't even realize that this CRA Tax grab is looming in their future.  

So how do we set ourselves up to reduce this CRA tax grab?

1. Accounting/legal structures
2. Life Insurance structures
3. Planning the above 2 ways in advance

Here is a tax calculator to input your numbers.  Use Canadian non-eligible dividends for active small business income. 


My business partner Robert has a team that can map out the solution.  

Feel free to set a time to chat: https://calendly.com/robertkleinmeeting/60min

Enjoy :-)

Rick G.

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