Krista Klein Mortgages December Newsletter 2020 Edition #66

Krista Klein - Mortgage Broker

Powered by Pacific West Mortgages & Mortgage Architects
604 618 2017

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Where to See Christmas Lights in Metro Vancouver


One of my favorite Christmas activities is to enjoy the light displays set up in and about Metro-Vancouver. Many of these displays are free to the family and a great way to spend a few hours over the holiday season. 

If you are interested in checking out some light displays here is a list of light displays to check out! Christmas Light Displays and Activies

Save HUGE On Your Mortgage


Now is the time to consider refinancing your existing mortgage. Rates are at an all-time low and seem to continue to be on the decline.

1. What is your existing rate? Fixed or Variable? Lender?

2. What is the remainder of your mortgage term? 

3. Do you have debt you would like to consolidate into an ultra-low rate?

4. What is the mortgage penalty to break your mortgage?

With these 4-questions answered, I can mathematically analyze if it makes sense to break your current mortgage and refinance into one of today's ultra-low rates. 

Please email/call me (604-618-2017) to see if it makes sense to refinance today! 

Stay Connected!


I would love to stay connected with you daily!  Please connect with me on the following platforms! 

1. Facebook

2. Instagram

3. Linkedin

Thank you so much for connecting with me!

Seasons Greetings and Warm Wishes Over the Holidays


I wanted to send you and your family warm wishes over this holiday season! 

Check Out This Instagram Account!


I love seeing old pictures of Vancouver. I love to see what buildings are still standing and how Vancouverites enjoy the same exact activities as we do today! 

I stumbled across this Instagram account showcasing some of the coolest pictures of Vancouver I have ever seen. 

If you are interested in seeing Vancouver back in the day, check out this Instagram account HERE!

When Will The 5-year Fix Bottom Out?


Every single day it seems the 5-year fix rate is at an all-time low! Yes, exciting! 

The question is.....when will it actually bottom out? How low can it actually go?

I personally have no idea as every time I see it go lower......I am in disbelief. 

The one main tip I am sharing with my clients who REALLY want a low 5-year fix rate is to choose a variable. Why do you ask?

Because as rates continued to drop, you can switch to a fixed rate when we finally reach the bottom. 

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